Saturday, June 12, 2010

Five Things (Blog Idea) I Want to Read on the Internet

Here are five ideas that you should blog about.

  1. Good News. Blog about something good. A new discovery. A new baby born. A new life. News Sites have been filled with bad news such as murders, tragedies and bad news. I wanted to read something good. Blog about it.. Research a new discovery. I'm sure you can find something good at around the web.
  2. Wedding Shoes. Around the web, there are a lot of blogs about weddings. Themes, Colors, even the gowns of the entourage were being blogged. There are only few blogs regarding wedding shoes. So blog about them! What's new.. what's in style. Do it! "Can I wear red shoes on my wedding day?"
  3. Blog about The Classics. I want to read about what this generation thinks about Shakespeare, Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, etc. Do you think the young should also get to know this people? Write a blog about them in "our" world. Compare them to our generation's own artists and writers.. I'm sure you can do it.
  4. Raincoats. Talk about Fashion Raincoats. :) It's rainy season in this author's place.. So apart from bringing umbrellas all the time, raincoats could be of great use. Tell us about it.
  5. How to survive traffic. Man, we all hate this. We all hate being stranded in supposed to be "express" way. But then, the population of cars around the world also increases.. So, are there any tips you would recommend for the people as they encounter traffic in their lives?
These are just five of Ideas for you to blog about.. get it?? Now, start blogging.

If you have blogged about this.. send me a link through commenting.. and i can post your blog here.. ciao!